Near Field Communication
Aruba Networks

Apps using Aruba Networks

Download a list of all 246 Aruba Networks customers with contacts.

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App Installs Publisher Publisher Email Publisher Social Publisher Website
1M Golden State Warriors *****
facebook twitter instagram
688K Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company *****
linkedin facebook twitter
543K Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology *****
linkedin facebook twitter instagram
538K American Museum of Natural History *****
facebook twitter instagram
278K Stanford Health Care *****
facebook twitter
272K YinzCam, Inc. *****
261K CriticalArc Pty Ltd *****
linkedin facebook twitter
163K GOAA *****
facebook instagram
147K Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company *****
linkedin facebook twitter
125K CTODeveloper at HPE Aruba Networking *****
linkedin facebook

Full list contains 246 apps using Aruba Networks in the U.S, of which 194 are currently active and 60 have been updated over the past year, with publisher contacts included.

List updated on 7th July 2024

Create a Free account to see more.

What is Aruba Networks

The Aruba Networks SDK is a Development Tools SDK provided by Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP. By integrated this SDK, apps have the capabilities of Near Field Communication.

Analysis of Aruba Networks

A breakdown of countries and app categories used by Aruba Networks apps.

Countries and Regions
App Categories

Alternatives to Aruba Networks

Most popular Aruba Networks alternatives in 2024.

SDK Apps Integrated Provider
143K Google LLC
52K AltBeacon Team
11K Kontakt Micro-Location Sp. Z.o.o.
5K Beaconwatcher Ltd.
2K Zebra Technologies Corp.
1K Square, Inc.
1K LG Silicon Valley Lab.
842, Inc.
103 Sensorberg GmbH
90 Fitbit LLC.
See the full list of Near Field Communication alternatives.

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