Function Component
Airship In-App Automation

Apps using Airship In-App Automation

Download a list of all 9K Airship In-App Automation customers with contacts.

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App Installs Publisher Publisher Email Publisher Social Publisher Website
200M CLARO ***** -
130M PlayStation Mobile Inc. *****
facebook twitter instagram
114M Magazine Luiza ***** -
100M Pandora *****
100M Telcel, Radiomovil Dipsa S.A. de C.V. *****
facebook twitter instagram
93M JUMIA *****
facebook twitter
87M Jam City, Inc. *****
linkedin facebook twitter instagram
70M Nike, Inc. *****
facebook twitter instagram
70M Onefootball GmbH *****
facebook twitter instagram
59M Jam City, Inc. *****
linkedin facebook twitter instagram

Full list contains 9K apps using Airship In-App Automation in the U.S, of which 8K are currently active and 3K have been updated over the past year, with publisher contacts included.

List updated on 7th July 2024

Create a Free account to see more.

What is Airship In-App Automation

The Airship In-App Automation SDK is a Development Tools SDK provided by Urban Airship, Inc.. By integrated this SDK, apps have the capabilities of Function Component.

Analysis of Airship In-App Automation

A breakdown of countries and app categories used by Airship In-App Automation apps.

Countries and Regions
App Categories

Alternatives to Airship In-App Automation

Most popular Airship In-App Automation alternatives in 2024.

SDK Apps Integrated Provider
2M Google LLC
1M Google LLC
806K Square, Inc.
425K Google LLC
376K Meta Platforms, Inc.
344K Google LLC
301K Jake Wharton
279K Meta Platforms, Inc.
244K Jsoup HTML Parser Team
233K Software Mansion
See the full list of Function Component alternatives.

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