Advertising Aggregation
Uni-Ad Advertising Alliance

Apps using Uni-Ad Advertising Alliance

Download a list of all 1K Uni-Ad Advertising Alliance customers with contacts.

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App Installs Publisher Publisher Email Publisher Social Publisher Website
2M MTFE ***** - -
2M Candy Chat Group ***** -
1M 广州钱柜物联科技有限公司 ***** -
976K yintibao ***** - -
719K HotFace ***** -
536K Coinpayu ***** -
521K Seataoo ***** -
379K Chat Now team ***** -
331K Ethio telecom *****
linkedin facebook twitter instagram
306K Unitel SA *****
linkedin facebook twitter instagram

Full list contains 1K apps using Uni-Ad Advertising Alliance in the U.S, of which 395 are currently active and 60 have been updated over the past year, with publisher contacts included.

List updated on 7th July 2024

Create a Free account to see more.

What is Uni-Ad Advertising Alliance

The Uni-Ad Advertising Alliance SDK is a Advertising and Marketing SDK provided by 数字天堂(北京)网络技术有限公司. By integrated this SDK, apps have the capabilities of Advertising Aggregation. Get more details by visiting its official homepage:

Analysis of Uni-Ad Advertising Alliance

A breakdown of countries and app categories used by Uni-Ad Advertising Alliance apps.

Countries and Regions
App Categories

Alternatives to Uni-Ad Advertising Alliance

Most popular Uni-Ad Advertising Alliance alternatives in 2024.

SDK Apps Integrated Provider
3M Google LLC
2M Google LLC
185K Google LLC
110K ironSource Ltd.
101K Google LLC
60K Twitter, Inc.
59K ironSource Ltd.
53K Google LLC
48K ironSource Ltd.
45K Google LLC
See the full list of Advertising Aggregation alternatives.

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